It is the part of the body where arm joins the trunk or body. It is made up of three bones, cartilages, muscles, ligaments and tendons. It is made up of three joints in it. The shoulder is mobile enough for wide range actions of arms and hands.


The shoulder is mobile for wide range of actions and stable enough to allow actions such as lifting, pushing and pulling.


The compromise between motility and stability results in large number of shoulder problems. Never ignore pain or loss of movement of shoulder. There are various conditions like bursitis; tendonitis, cervical spondylitis, chest pain etc are causes of the shoulder pain.

Interesting facts:

The shoulder joint can achieve over 16,000 positions differentiated by 1 degree for each position. Want relief from shoulder problem? You can apply ice on the shoulder for 15-20 minutes about 2-3 times in a day.

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