Tips to prevent thumb sucking Being father Things parents can do to help their kids move past thumb sucking. Limit the time First try to limit thumb sucking at home. Once he is used to it, it can be extended outside. When kids are tired, they suck thumb as it puts them to sleep. When the child is at home, tell him that thumbsucking is bad, it's not a bedtime activity. Gradually he will overcome it. Make him aware Sometimes children do it involuntarily. Ask him if he knows that he is sucking thumb. If he does not know, show him a mirror; let him understand how he looks when he is thumb sucking. Positive reinforcement Whenever he is not thumb sucking, recognise his efforts, praise him. Kids love to be praised. This will motivate him to stop thumb sucking. No no Don't use nasty things to stop thumbsucking. Some use bitter tasting stuff on thumb. That’s not fair. Kid’s thumbsuck for a soothing effect. Bitter tasting will make the kid more anxious. First try the above tips, and if they do not work, divert his attention to something like a soft toy or take him to a pedodontist. Distract Engage kids in some other activities. Keep their hands engaged. Ask him to sort clothes of different colours or count the objects.