Test and diagnosis
Patients with sore throat are examined by ENT specialists. At first, the doctor performs a local examination of throat. Clinical examination usually guides the doctor towards diagnosis. Although in order to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may ask for culture and sensitivity test of the throat swab.
Home remedies:
Mild cases of sore throat are usually cured by home remedies. Following remedial measures can be adopted at home:
- Warm saline gargle – Gargle with warm saline water helps to relieve the discomfort and irritation of the throat. Half to one teaspoonful of salt is added to one full glass of warm water and the patient is advised to gargle. This process may be repeated 3 to 4 times a day to have a soothing effect on throat.
- Additionally, smoking and use of other tobacco products must be avoided.
- The patient must drink adequate amount of fluids.
- Warm liquid and semi-solid food must be consumed to provide a soothing effect on the throat.
- Cough lozenges to help relieve irritation and pain in the throat.
Seeking advice of the doctor:
If the signs and symptoms persist and are not adequately controlled by home remedies, the patient must seek advice of a specialist doctor.
Viral infections usually do not require treatment. They are usually cured in 5 to 7 days. Bacterial infections require treatment as per the advice of a specialist doctor.
Bacterial infections may require treatment by antibiotics. The treating doctor selects an antibiotic which is suitable for the patient depending on factors such as the age of the patient, report of the culture and sensitivity of throat swab, previous drug history of the patient, etc. Antibiotics usually effective in bacterial infection with sore throat are from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, and macrolides.
Viral and bacterial infections are contagious. Good hygienic lifestyle and habits help prevent infections. Following things to be noted are:
- Frequent and thorough hand washes before consumption of food, after using toilet, and after sneezing and coughing.
- Use of a hand sanitizer during consumption of food outside home.
- Avoid sharing food and drinks from same glasses and utensils.
- Use a tissue paper or handkerchief while sneezing and coughing.
- Avoid close contact with patients with sore throat.
If sore throat develops, few home remedies may prove to be curative. If sore throat persists, advice of a specialist doctor must be sought.