Thyroid is a major gland which regulates the body’s metabolism by producing hormones. When the process of production of thyroid hormone is interrupted, and less hormones are produced then it is called hypothyroidism. It causes your body’s metabolism to act slowly. Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, constipation, intolerance to cold, dry skin and sometimes depression.
What could be the risk factors?
- Age: One can have hypothyroidism at any age, but older adults are more likely to get it. Women are more likely to develop it than men.
- Family history: History of hypothyroidism in a close family member with autoimmune disease makes you more prone to hypothyroidism.
- Iodine insufficiency: Less iodine in your diet may lead to an under active thyroid. So you need to take enough iodine through your diet. You can get iodine through iodized table salt, shellfish, saltwater, fish, eggs, seaweed and dairy products.
- Anti-thyroid medicines: Treatments done for various thyroid problems like surgical removal of thyroid gland, use of radio-active iodine or anti-thyroid medicines, and radiation therapy for cancer can lead to a drop in production of the thyroid hormone.
- Obesity: Obesity and lack of exercise can lead to improper functioning of the thyroid gland. Regular exercise deals with the negative symptoms of hypothyroidism and has a positive effect on your thyroid gland.
- Stress: When you are stressed, your adrenals secrete stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. These affect your thyroid’s health and may lead to hypothyroidism.
- Fluoride intake: Fluorides have a damaging effect on the thyroid gland. Fluoride was known to be effective for thyroid function, but in a quantity of 2 mg per day. Now we all get it 2-10 mg per day from tap water, non-stick cookware, toothpaste, processed cereals and sodas.