16 best foods for dieting!

Who said you need a crash diet to lose the flab? What you do need to do is to eat right. Here are 16 food items which will help you lose weight and benefit your body greatly!

  • Super food 1 - Almonds

    Almonds are one of the tastiest and healthiest snacks of our times. They regulate your blood sugar level. If your blood sugar levels rise, then you will feel hungry and would want to overeat. To avoid this, munch on some almonds or get hold of a little almond butter.

  • Super food 2 - Apples

    A medical research by Penn State University at University Park revealed that those who ate an apple before their snack consumed lesser amount of calories than those who ate just their snacks without a pre-apple. This is due to the fiber content of the apple. Each apple contains at least 4 g of fiber. The antioxidants in the apple also help to improve your metabolism.

  • Super food 3 - Black Beans

    Many medical studies have concluded that those who eat beans regularly have lower weight and less flab around their abdomen than those who do not. Beans are great ingredients which fight off fat. They contain fat decomposing nutrients like soluble and insoluble fiber, resistant starch, and protein.

  • Super food 4 - Cauliflower

    Apart from being a great source of vitamin C, cauliflower is also medically proven to be a fighter against cancer. It prevents the onset of colorectal, stomach, and lung cancer. While possessing high amount of fiber, cauliflower has also very low calories. This vegetable can be used for a variety of purposes: curries, as a side dish to burger, soups, and with mashed potatoes.

  • Super food 5 - Cinnamon

    This tasty spice can maintain your blood sugar level and also prevents increase of insulin after your meals. If insulin amplifies after meal, then your body will begin to store the fat than to bust it off. Cinnamon can also be used as a natural sweetener. Try to use spices instead of butter, oil, or other fatty items.

  • Super food 6 - Coffee

    Coffee helps to improve your metabolism by 15%, thus, allowing greater amount of calories to be burnt easily. This does not imply that one should excessively gulp down caffeinated drinks. It is best to stick to simply 2 cups of regular coffee with less sugar. This will reduce your chances of getting diabetes 2 as well. An acid named chlorogenic is present in coffee which avoids insulin resistance.

  • Super food 7 - Cottage Cheese

    Did you know that about half cup of low-fat cottage cheese provides the human body with 14g of protein? This only costs you approximately 80 calories. Optimum intake of protein helps to make you feel more content throughout the day and thus keeps a check on the calorie intake indirectly.

  • Super food 8 - Eggs

    The protein in eggs help to keep you filled for a longer period of time. Start your day with egg toast and jelly. According to a test done by Louisiana State University, women who consumed this breakfast lost twice as much pounds as those who had a bagel breakfast. Both these breakfasts have the same amount of calories. The egg breakfast keeps your stomach satisfied and controls your calorie intake during the rest of the day.

  • Super food 9 - Garlic

    According to a medical study, obese people who added garlic to their food lost over 25 pounds within 6 months in contrast to those who lost just 5 pounds without using it. This zero-fat spice can make your food tastier and make you feel content sooner.

  • Super food 10 - Lentils

    Being high in protein and full of soluble fiber, lentils top the list of belly-tuckers. The nutrient composition of this will also maintain your blood sugar range. Red and yellow types of lentils are the best ones and also take the least time to cook. You can add these to your snacks like pasta or macaroni.

  • Super food 11 - Olive oil

    Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties and also helps in improving your metabolism. Along with its antioxidants, olive oil is the best companion for your dishes.

  • Super food 12 - Pears

    One medium pear can give you over 5 grams of fiber. Apart from this, it has also been found on a research done by a Brazilian university that those women who ate pears as part of their diet lost more weight than those who simply ate oats cookies. You can use pears in a variety of ways: pears mash in yogurt, sliced pears as part of a salad, and pears dessert.

  • Super food 13 - Portobello mushrooms

    Portobellos have low calories and taste like meat. Use these instead of beef in your dishes. This will reduce the amount of fat you consume. Did you know that a cup of portobello slices contains less than 20 calories? You can mash up portobello and use them in your burger. These will also add flavor to your food without adding calories.

  • Super food 14 - Red bell peppers

    A great source of vitamin C, red bell peppers also contain a variety of nutrients. They also help to improve your immune system and reduce the amount of cell damage. You can use these in sandwiches, soups, and salads.

  • Super food 15 - Tomatoes

    Cholecystokinin is a hormone known to be having physiological effects that helps gastric emptying, passage of foods, and also appetite regulation with energy uptake effects. Therefore munching on tomatoes makes you feel full, thus, reducing the urge to overeat. Tomatoes contain fibers which help to preserve the impact of this hormone in your stomach. Another compound found in tomatoes also protects you from sun damage and has been shown to lower the risk of cancers.

  • Super food 16 - Wild salmon

    This food item contains fish fats which is good for your heart and also helps in losing flab concentration around your waists. The insulin sensitivity of your body is also increased due to presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in the salmon. Gradually, this would allow your body to build muscles and reduce tummy fat.

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