With the widespread exposure to well-toned celebs and absolutely perfect looking plastic doll-like models everywhere, people have actually begun to work out on a daily basis, even going to the extremes. Nowadays it is hard to find people who don’t care about their bodies. Gyms are the new hotspots. Parks have people jogging, strolling, and doing aerobics like nobody’s watching them. Young kids aspiring to be supermodels, homemakers taking a cue from their favorite celebs and toning themselves up, or a busy businessman who wants to show off his broad shoulders inside a well-knit suit, there are examples galore.
All in all, everyone is working out in one way or the other, so much so to push themselves to the extremes. Though exercising should be a practice to preach, but at times, this healthy habit too can turn things for the worse. In the long run, the workout addicts may also have to pay a hefty price to their inappropriate, overactive lifestyle. Let’s see how. Below are a few problems that have come up with too much of working-out:
Arthritis :
Arthritis is particularly an age-related issue with loss of fluids between two joints leaving it stiff and painful, but with excessive exercise or exertion on the joints, especially the weight-bearing ones like the knee joints, seem to undergo extreme wear and tear, losing fluids and simply making the joint arthritic.
Slipped disc :
Posture plays a great role during exercise. There may be instances where the pressure may be going all wrong, leading to serious issues. Slipped disc is one of them. The spine, which holds the entire muscle mass, in improper postures may suffer degeneration of the discs, leaving someone in absolute agony; a common occurrence in improper positioning of the body during a bench-press or a humped-up position while doing dumbbells or weight lifting.
Torn meniscus :
Though it is typically associated with athletes, these days normal workout addicts may also tear their menisci. One or two encounters are easily manageable, but if it’s a repetitive incidence, it would increase the chance of an arthritic joint.
Cardiovascular damage :
Exercising pumps up the heart and keeps it healthy, but when excessive and unmanageable exertion even during a regular jog occurs, it may in turn damage the blood vessels and leave them torn and incapable.
Acute kidney failure :
With strenuous workout, muscle wear and tear may happen. Research has proven that damage of the muscle fibers can release certain chemicals within the body which not only exert the kidney, but can also damage the organ. This can lead to kidney failure as well. So an athlete or a regular heavy exerciser having dark colored urine must check his kidney health.
Have a look into the things listed above and make sure you are not sailing the same boat.
Exercising is healthy, but when it turns into an addiction, it can lead to some ill effects and long-lasting damages. Stay educated and demarcate a line between exercise and overexertion.